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Friday, April 26, 2024 
活動副標題:晚會餐卷 $50 per person
活動日期:Sunday, October 22, 2006
時間:年會15:30-17:30 晚會 18:30-23:30
地點:紐約法拉盛的喜來登飯店二樓(Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, 135-20 39th Avenue, Flushing, New York 11354)

年會於3:30 PM開始,將選出第20屆會長及第19屆董事。

晚會於6:30 PM開始,節目除頒發獎學金外、特別來賓之演講、廖廣哲學長及陳麗雪之公子所帶領15位哥倫比亞大學生所表演之鼓陣、2000年中華民國小姐林意芳所演出之綵帶舞、及Pei-Ning Chen所演出之傣族風情、大紐約區校友會老豆及來音合唱團的歌唱,林凱靈之歌唱,吳同良學長之舞台劇唱、特別來賓Boardroom Dancing、另有摸彩卡拉OK跳舞等活動。


CKUAAGNY is honored to have The Honorable Elaine L. Chao US Secretary of Labor as a banquet keynote remarks speaker at the convention on Sunday, October 22 2006.


張淑卿 718-225-462
陳品卉 973-428-0038
廖廣哲 973-335-3757
陳麗如 718-465-9362
錢寧娜 718-461-9651
陳輝泗 718-461-8801
彭鈺絢 973-617-4659
吳同良 516-484-4595
曾美樂 516-747-6345
童筱玲 516-481-1835
李宏誠 347-229-5409



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U.S. Department of Labor

Office of the Secretary


About Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao

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Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao

Elaine L. Chao is the Nation*s 24th Secretary of Labor and the first Asian American woman appointed to a President's cabinet in U.S. history. Arriving at the age of eight from Asia speaking no English, Secretary Chao's experience transitioning to a new country inspired her to dedicate most of her professional life to ensuring that workers have access to opportunity and the chance to build better lives.

Since her confirmation by the United States Senate on January 29, 2001, she has been dedicated to carrying out the Department's mission of promoting and protecting the health, safety, retirement security, and competitiveness of the nation's workforce.

During her tenure, the Department updated the white collar overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act, which has been on the agenda of every Administration since 1977. The most significant regulatory tort reform of President Bush's first term, the new regulations provided millions of low-wage vulnerable workers with strengthened overtime protection. In 2003, the Department achieved the first major update of union financial disclosure regulations in more than 40 years, giving rank and file members enhanced information on how their hard-earned dues are spent. The Department has set new worker protection enforcement records, including recovering record back wages for vulnerable low wage immigrant workers. The Department has also launched comprehensive reform of the nation's publicly funded worker training programs, to better serve dislocated and unemployed workers. On August 17, 2006, President Bush signed the Pension Reform Act, which protects the 44 million workers whose retirement security rests upon private sector defined benefit pension plans.

Secretary Chao's career has spanned the public, private and non-profit sectors. As President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way of America , she restored public trust and confidence in one of the nation's largest institutions of private charitable giving after it was tarnished by mismanagement and financial abuse. As Director of the Peace Corps, she established the first Peace Corps programs in the Baltic nations and the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union .

Her government service also includes serving as Deputy Secretary at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission, Deputy Maritime Administrator in the U.S. Department of Transportation and White House Fellow. She has also worked in the private sector as Vice President of Syndications at BankAmerica Capital Markets Group and a banker with Citicorp. Prior to her nomination as Secretary, she was a Distinguished Fellow at The Heritage Foundation.

Secretary Chao received her M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School and her undergraduate degree in economics from Mount Holyoke College . She also studied at M.I.T., Dartmouth College , and Columbia University . Active in many volunteer activities, Secretary Chao has received numerous awards for her professional accomplishments and community service. She is the recipient of 28 honorary doctoral degrees.

The first Kentuckian named to the President's cabinet since 1945, Secretary Chao is married to the Majority Whip in the United States Senate, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky .

U.S. Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington , DC 20210

Phone Numbers1-866-4-USA-DOL
TTY: 1-877-889-5627
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自從趙小蘭女士2001 129日就任勞工部部長以來,便一直致力於貫徹勞工部的使命,鼓舞並保護美國人民的健康、安全、退休保障, 和競争力。

自趙部長就任以來,在許多其它成就之中,勞工部修訂了公平勞動標準法 (Fair Labor Standards Act) 中的白領職工豁免權。這曾是自 1977年以來每一屆政府議程當中的一項 要事. 這個新規定是布希總統第一任期間推出的一項最重要的改革法案。該規定為數百萬極需援助的低薪職工加強了加班的福利保障。2003,勞工部為工會 財務數據披露法規 (union financial disclosure regulations) 做到了四十多 年以來的第一次重大修訂,讓工會基層成員可以了解更多實際會費開支的情況。在她的領導下, 勞工部制定新的勞工保護法成果, 幫助低工资的移民工人收回了最高的拖欠工資。勞工部並且展開了全面改革美國资助職工培訓計劃, 改善為失職和失業者的服務。

趙部長在政界, 企業界和非營利機構的領導方面皆成就斐然。她在美國聯合慈善基金會 (United Way of America) 任職總裁兼執行長時,使這家因管理不當和財務濫用而遭詬病的全美最大私營慈善機構煥然一新,贏回了公眾的信任與信心。趙部長在擔任和平工作團 (Peace Corps) 團長期間,在拉脫維亞, 立陶宛、愛沙尼亞等波羅的海國家及一些新獨立的前蘇聯國家建立了首批和平工作團計劃。

趙部長曾擔任美國運輸部副部長、聯邦海事委員會主席 和美國運輸部航運署副署長,並當選為白宮學者 (White House Fellow)。趙部長參與企業活動的經驗包括曾擔任美國銀行資本市場集團 (BankAmerica Capital Markets Group) 企業聯合組織副總裁和花旗集團的銀行家。就任勞工部部長之前,她曾是傳統基金會 (Heritage Foundation) 的一位傑出學者 (Distinguished Fellow)。該組織是一家在華盛頓的公共政策研究與教育機構。

趙部長擁有哈佛大學商學院的碩士學位與聖山學院 (Mount Holyoke College)的學士學位。她還曾在麻省理工學院、達爾矛斯學院 (Dartmouth College) 和哥倫比亞大學進修。由於積極參與各種義工活動,趙部長在專業成就和社區服務方面均廣受讚譽。她曾獲得全球28所大學所頒授的榮譽博士學位。

趙部長是自1945年以來﹐ 第一位被任命為總統內閣閣員的肯塔基居民。趙部長的夫婿是美國參議院多數黨黨鞭,現任肯塔基州聯邦參議員密契.麥康諾 (Mitch McConnell)  

(最後修改日期 : 2006-10-23 01:32 PM)

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