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Saturday, February 15, 2025 
黃禎祥(1973 土木)學長於2010-04-14因心髒病突發過世了
Tuesday, April 19, 2011  16:22:43

我以著十二萬分沉重的心情向大家報告一個非常不幸的消息 – 我們敬愛的黃禎祥(1973 土木)學長於四月十四日因心髒病突發過世了!




Dear All,

I just received the information regarding the 黃禎祥學長的 funeral service as below.   It will be held on this coming Saturday morning (4/23).
Please let me know if you are planning to come and pay final respects to James.

For the past two years, I have had the honor to work with 黃禎祥學長 on all kinds of activities for CKUAAGNY.  I have learned a lot from him.  Not only did he have unending enthusiasm for the alumni association, but he always carried an energetic spirit.  He was really a man of integrity.

It is really a shock and sad news to everyone, and it is a
big loss to CKUAAGNY.   He will be missed by all of us.



Dear Friends,
Thank you for your concern and support during this difficult time. Our family would like to invite you to attend a funeral service in remembrance of James this Saturday morning. The service will be mostly in Chinese and details of the event are provided below.  We do not have everyone's email, so please help forward this information to your groups.  Hope to see you soon.
When: Saturday, April 23rd 2011, 9:00AM-11:00AM
Where: Tuttle Funeral Home, 272 Route 10 West, Randolph, NJ 07869
           (973) 366-7400
Directions: http://www.tuttlefh.com/content/view/9/5/
Michele, Tina and Gary

Dear 顏 經 洲,

I was shocked and sad to hear from you about the passing of our beloved NCKU alumnus, 黃禎祥 over the weekend, because I was not on your mailing list until my wife (Lynne Wu) told me so.

He called me a few weeks ago about the deadline for the scholarship matter. We always had a very long conversation about our life and the life with NCKUAA of Greater New York. He was always very optimistic and enthusiastic about our life on this planet regardless of the difficulties ahead of us.

He was a quiet person but always got to the point and completed the task. He had completed so many issues of our NCKUGNY annual publication. I will miss him dearly and I salute him from the bottom of my heart for his dedication to our Association.

Best regards,
Joe Wu

(最後修改日期 : 2011-09-16 10:33 AM)

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